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OSA Newsletter
(Issue 2 – MAY 2024)
/ Other upcoming events

Other upcoming events

Other upcoming events

Calling all cultural enthusiasts – introducing the brand-new "International Cultural Ambassador Scheme"

Date13 May 2024
Short DescriptionThe i-Ambassador Scheme, which has received positive feedback, has now been upgraded to the new "International Cultural Ambassador Scheme"! Building on its success, this exciting programme is seeking students who are passionate about making a difference by promoting internationalization and cultural exchange on campus, particularly those with exceptional talents in music or art.
Selected ambassadors will have the opportunity to reside at the International House (I-House) and will receive comprehensive support to organize activities that foster cultural exchange. The upgraded programme also offers professional training opportunities and platforms for ambassadors to apply their skills, nurturing them into next-generation leaders in our diverse society.

Don't miss out on this thrilling opportunity to broaden your horizons and become part of a truly international community. Details and the application method will be available on our website starting May 7, 2024.