Staff-Student Centres Management Committee
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Staff-Student Centres Management Committee

Staff-Student Centres Management Committee

Terms of Reference and Composition:

Chairman : 
To be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor

Members : 
Bursar or his/her representative
Director of Student Affairs or his/her representative
Director of Estates Management or his/her representative
Director of Physical Education Unit or his/her representative
Chairman of the Canteens Management Sub-Committee 
Chairman of the Services Units Management Sub-Committee
Chairman of the Bookstore Management Sub-Committee
Chairman of the Pommerenke Student Centre Management Sub-Committee 
One representative of the Chinese University Teachers’ Association
One representative of the Chinese University Staff Association
President of the Chinese University Student Union or his/her representative 
Three student representatives nominated by the Chinese University Student Union
Two representatives of full-time postgraduate students nominated by the Director of Student Affairs

Secretary : 
Appointed by the Director of Office of Student Affairs

  1. To formulate management policies for staff-student centres under its jurisdiction in Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, Li Wai Chun Building and Pommerenke Student Centre.
  2. To sub-allocate space to various units and bodies within the staff-student centres in accordance with relevant University regulations.
  3. To devise regulations and administrative measures regarding the management of the staff-student centres.
  4. To monitor the provision of amenities and facilities in the staff-student centres, and to make recommendations for improvement to the University from time to time.
  5. To monitor and periodically review various matters pertaining to the management of the staff-student centres.
  6. To monitor the operation and services of the university bookstore and cafeteria in the Yasumoto International Academic Park.
  7. To report to the Administrative Affairs Committee.


  1. Canteens Management Sub-Committee 
  2. Services Units Management Sub-Committee
  3. Bookstore Management Sub-Committee
  4. Pommerenke Student Centre Management Sub-Committee

Contact Information of Secretariat:

Person in Charge:Ms. Gladys Poon
Telephone Number:3943 7210