uPals 心理健康推廣團隊

uPals 心理健康推廣團隊


uPals成員會接受大約30小時的培訓,包括助人技巧訓練、精神健康急救基礎課程、身心健康工作坊及歷奇訓練日等 ; 並於校內共同策劃及籌辦輕鬆有趣的服務項目。所有培訓及活動將會以英語進行


  • 中大uPals證書
  • 精神健康急救基礎課程證書(此證書聯同香港心理衛生會簽發,並獲澳洲「精神健康急救國際」認可)
  • 記錄於學生發展組合(Student Development Portfolio, SDP)


uPals IG: cuhk_upals
WeChat: cuhk_upals




  • 有興趣學習有效的溝通及助人技巧
  • 希望與本地及非本地生一同籌組活動,推廣正向生活方式及心理健康



Senior uPals 計劃

為了加強中大uPals心理健康推廣隊畢業學員及現屆學員的凝聚力,學生事務處心理健康及輔導中心於2021年1月推出首屆Senior uPals計劃。透過進一步的精神健康知識培訓及實踐機會,促進 Senior uPals的個人成長及領導才能,使其於校園內推廣心理健康角色中發揮更大的效能。


  • 中文大學全日制非畢業班本科生;
  • 中大uPals心理健康推廣隊畢業學員;
  • 富責任感,熱心助人


  • 擔任uPals學長,提供朋輩支援及加強學員的凝聚力
  • 出任歷奇訓練營小組組長
  • 協助籌組uPals迎新活動/ 聚會
  • 為現屆學員的服務項目提供協助及督導
  • 協助uPals心理健康推廣隊的招募及面試工作


  • 2024年1月至2024年12月


  • 2個身心健康工作坊(4至5小時)


  • 完成培訓及服務項目的Senior uPals,可獲取中大Senior uPals證書
  • 所獲資格將記錄於學生發展組合(Student Development Portfolio, SDP)


  • 2023 年 10 月 6 日

uPals 分享(只提供英文版本)

“I am grateful for having that camp because it reminded me of three important points: think collectively, cooperate to go further, and communicate with each other. Therefore, from zeros, we became heroes with valuable lessons taught in just few hours.”

- Amira Belli

“It was a fruitful and tired day. I met many new friends. It is a bit frank to say that I am glad to ‘visit’ the university. But to be honest, due to the pandemic, as a year 1 student, I have only visit school for no more than 8 times in the whole academic year. Thanks uPals for giving me a chance! I was probably one of the youngest members on that day. Therefore, I really receive much love and care from other members. They introduced me many shortcuts and restaurants. That restaurant in CW Chu College is the best restaurant I have visited in university.”

- Sonia Luk

“We started awkward since we were all strangers, but we ended up becoming good friends after the camp. And the trainers, they were so fun to work with, always so supportive (and sometimes very mischievous) during our activities, giving us tips and encouraging us. This really reminded me of why I joined uPals in the first place – to meet amazing new people. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the uPals camp, and hopefully there will be other opportunities to meet my fellow uPals in the future.”

- Peanut Wong

“The workshop helps me to understand more about the attitude and skills that are essential to peer counselling. The interactive activities are inspiring and thought-provoking. I am really grateful to attend the workshop.”

- Michelle Chung

“There are lots of practices in the workshops, which make us better understand the content. After the workshop, I feel I am more confident to be a good listener.”

- Joyce Chen